Easy Heal Yourself Now 6 Month Program

with Bonuses to Accelerate Your Healing

Bioenergetic Testing and Health Coaching

Conquer your day with confidence and energy! Get to the root cause of your chronic conditions and begin healing.

  • Find the root cause of your health issues and begin healing now
  • Stop guessing and work with your energy system, your innate intelligence
  • Most effective way to take action and heal from chronic symptoms
  • Easy and fast - starts working and balancing during the testing process
  • Uncovers the reasons for your physical symptoms so you can heal
  • Uncovers the reasons for your emotional symptoms so you can heal
  • Customized testing for food sensitivities and environmental allergies
  • Works fast - balancing and healing begins during testing
  • Gentle and uplifting - your body identifies what it wants to focus on
  • Unique to you and your health issues – both testing and balancing remedies
  • Done remotely and accurately 
  • Proven technology developed in the 1940s; now it uses modern physics
  • Practical and tangible - works with your innate intelligence, the part of you that breathes, moves your blood, and digests food
  • Fully compatible with your current protocols
Smiling woman

Easy Heal Yourself Now 6 Month Program

Bioenergetic Testing and Health Coaching

  • Comprehensive bioenergetic testing (4 rounds of testing, going deeper with each round)
  • Personalized imprinted balancing drops (4 - one for each round of testing)
  • Health coaching calls (12 calls)
  • Email support

Bonuses to Accelerate Your Healing 

  • Balancing Patches - Your personalized balancing remedies imprinted into 4 Phiten Titanium Power Tape Patches (4 - one set for each round of testing)
  • Supplement Testing - Find out which supplements are beneficial to you
  • Symptom - Emotion Correlation Testing - Determine the hidden emotions causing your symptoms
  • Trapped Emotion Release - Identify and release trapped emotions contributing to your symptoms


One price and no extra fees within the USA. All-inclusive, concierge service: fully customized comprehensive testing, balancing remedies, complementary shipping within the USA, coaching calls, and email support

Client Outcomes - A Sample

No more pain

Feel happy - like a weight has been lifted

Migraines gone

Anxiety greatly decreased

First blood tests in years with nothing in the red 

Skin cleared up

Dancing and gardening again without pain

Knees don't hurt

Patience with my difficult family

No more bloating

Neck and shoulder pain gone

Sleeping so much better

Feel like me again

Fatigue is lifted

Eczema cleared up

Torn muscle healed fast

Inflammation in wrist is gone

More zen

And so many more!

Satisfaction Guaranteed

You will experience a radical improvement in at least one of your physical symptoms and you will experience increased emotional well-being, or your money back. Applies to the 6 month Easy Heal Yourself Now Program.


6 Month Program

Easy Heal Yourself Now Program



  • Comprehensive Bioenergetic Testing with Health Coaching 
    • You'll get expert bioenergetic testing and interpretation results in a detailed report.
    • You'll know what organs and systems are weak and which are stressed.
    • You'll find out the best emotional balancers that you need now.
    • You'll get the balancing remedies that make your body work like it should.
    • We'll do 4 rounds of testing in 6 months, building on your improvements each month.
  • Support and Accountability
    • 4 results calls (45 minutes each) after each test
    • 4 four-week follow-up calls (45 minutes each)
    • 1 bonus call (45 minutes) whenever you want during the 6 month program
    • 1 end of program call (45 minutes) at 6 months
    • Email support during the entire 6 month program
  • Bonuses to Accelerate your Healing
    • BONUS: personalized balancing remedies in an easy-to-wear patch form
    • BONUS: Supplement testing so you know if your supplements are helping you
    • BONUS: Symptom - Emotion testing to find and fix underlying emotions in your physical symptoms
    • BONUS: Trapped Emotion Release to clear out old trauma without talk therapy
  • Satisfaction Guarantee: During the 6 month program, you will experience an improvement in at least one of your physical symptoms and you will experience increased emotional well-being.

Value: $14,700 for the six month program

Pay in Full: $4,997 OR Payment Plan Available

Start your health transformation now!