Frequently Asked Questions

What is bioenergetic testing?

Bioenergetics is the science and process of communicating with your body's energy system to improve your physical and emotional health. Bioenergetics bypasses your conscious, thinking brain, and goes right to your innate intelligence, which is the part of you that knows how to breathe, move your blood cells, and digest food.

Bioenergetic testing identifies what is out of balance and what is needed to put it back into balance. One or more organs and body systems may be out of balance. Specific energetic remedies are discovered based on what your body asks for during testing.

Bioenergetic testing is noninvasive and can be done with a hair sample. It originated from the work of a German physician in the 1940s, and it currently operates at the nexus of electrical engineering, digital technology, and quantum physics. 

        How does bioenergetic testing work?

When a bioenergetic test is run, I am working with your body’s energetic communication system. Your hair sample acts like a telephone wire. The test equipment sends questions in the form of energy signatures to you. The responses are carefully measured and digitally recorded for thousands of items.

I create testing that is comprehensive and follows what your body needs. It may include tests for specific anatomy, foods, environmental sensitivities, and emotional support, for example. The testing assesses whether you have the information that you need to deal with certain toxins, like metals or pesticides, so that you can safely process them. It checks to see if you need specific minerals, vitamins, amino acids, hormones, enzymes, and others to rebalance. Are there disruptions to your body’s communication system that are contributing to issues? Bioenergetic testing looks at all these things, and more.

This testing is happening at an energetic level. Energetic imbalances occur first, followed by changes in the body's chemical system, and eventually show up as physical discomfort. When you have the needed information and your energy flow has been reestablished, then your body has the ability to regain balance and fix itself.  

        Will bioenergetic testing tell me if I have a disease?

No, it will not. The purpose of bioenergetic testing is to reestablish balance to the energetic pathways that run through specific organs, glands, and tissues. This is the key to restoring and maintaining optimum health. This method focuses not on diagnosing specific disease states, but rather on promoting overall wellness. As such, no claims of diagnosis can be made.

How long does it take to work?

Some people feel a positive effect immediately after the testing is concluded. This is because during the process of discovering the balancing energies, you receive the energetic benefit in that moment. Other clients notice benefits after about one week of taking the balancing drops. Most clients feel a positive shift physically and emotionally within a month.

What can I expect to feel after bioenergetic testing?

You may begin sleeping better, feel like a weight has been lifted, notice that headaches are gone, and that you have more energy. Clients report many wonderful and varied benefits! Sometimes, the effects are subtle because the balancing energies are very gentle. They are gentle because that is what your body’s communication system requested. With subsequent bioenergetic testing, deeper rebalancing occurs and your body continues to heal.

Are my results good?

Yes! Your results reflect what your body is asking for right now so that you can function at your best. There were thousands of items tested, and this is what your body wants to focus on right now.

Do I need supplements?

Sometimes, your body signals that food-based nutrition or supplementation would be helpful by giving high values in a test parameter. I will indicate what these are, if any, and you can consider if they make sense for you. I do not sell supplements.

What do you do with the hair sample?

I use your hair sample as an energetic telephone wire to connect to you during the bioenergetic testing. Your hair stays in the plastic bag, and it is placed on the test plate. When the testing is complete, your hair sample is disposed. For future testing, no additional hair samples are needed.

What do the balancing drops do?

The balancing drops contain the balancing energies that were discovered during testing. When you take the drops, you are reminding your body of what you asked for during testing. The drops are daily reminders that anchor the balancing energies.

What is in the balancing drops?

The drops are comprised of 92% structured water and 8% organic cane sugar alcohol. Your balancing energies are charged into the bottle.

How do I take the balancing drops?

Start taking the drops as soon as you receive them. Take the number of drops written on the bottle by mouth, once in the morning and once at night for 4 – 6 weeks. 

How do you create the balancing drops?

After conducting the bioenergetic testing, I remove your hair sample from the test plate. Then, I place a bottle of balancing drops on the test plate. All of the balancing energies that were discovered during testing are transferred through the test plate to the balancing drops. I label the bottle with your name, date, and the number of drops to take twice per day.

What happens after bioenergetic testing?

After your test, I create a report of the findings. The report states what organs and systems were out of balance, and it includes a sampling of the physical and emotional balancing energies. I email the report to you, and I ship your balancing drops along with a paper copy of the report. You schedule a call with me to discuss the results, and you take the drops once you receive them. We follow up with another call four week later.

Why is trapped emotion release included?

I use a combination of bioenergetic testing and energy healing to provide trapped emotion release for my clients because trapped emotions are a hidden contributor to physical pain and suffering. Trapped emotions may settle in areas of weakness in the body, prolonging symptoms. Releasing trapped emotions, whether your own, absorbed from others, or inherited, leads to your body being able to heal faster, both physically and emotionally. 

Does this work with other medical and alternative services?

Yes, absolutely. Bioenergetic testing has a synergy with acupuncture and the Chinese meridian system, as well as other energy healing modalities, like Reiki. Bioenergetic testing identifies energetic imbalances, which precede the chemical imbalances that show up in blood tests. If you take medications, please continue them. If you have questions about your medications, discuss with your medical practitioner.

How long has bioenergetic testing been around?

Many people believe that bioenergetic testing is a new technology, but it’s not. It is based on the work of Dr. Reinhard Voll, a German physician who became disgruntled with mainstream medicine in the 1940s. He felt like he was putting a bandage on a symptom rather than getting to the root cause of his patient's health challenges. Dr. Voll looked at other therapies that would address causal issues. He became extremely interested in the Chinese meridian system. He got the idea to measure the energy flow through the meridians. He put a very small amount of energy into the meridian, and then he used an ohm meter to measure the flow of the energy.

Fast forward to today, and bioenergetic testing currently operates at the nexus of electrical engineering, digital technology, and quantum physics.

Does bioenergetic testing work for animals?

Yes! Bioenergetic testing is very effective and beneficial for animals of all kinds, especially dogs, cats, and horses. If your pet does not have hair for testing, there are alternatives. Please contact me.

Do you work with families?

Yes! I use bioenergetic testing to help my family, and it is a terrific tool to keep a family healthy and happy. Please contact me so that we can design a package that works for you and your family.

Do you offer bioenergetic testing outside of the United States?

Yes! However, the shipping costs for the balancing drops are additional.