Who's on your team?

Who's on your team? Image

Who’s on your health team? We’ve all got a support team made up of family, friends, and professionals. Since you’re in charge, on the expedition of a lifetime (literally!), how would you rate the professionals on your team?

The best guides don't try to take over your expedition or insist there's only one route to the summit. They listen when you describe what you're experiencing along the trail.

Here are qualities that I look for when assembling my health team.

  • Professional competence and multidisciplinary perspective (results and raving fan clients, with no silos, no single body part experts)
  • A focus on me and total personalization to my unique needs, preferences, and desires (this includes emotional connection)
  • Communication and accessibility (trust is essential)
  • An integration mindset and willingness to collaborate (if you’re on my team, you’ve got to be able to keep up with me, my knowledge and skills, and be open to new ideas)
  • Living in integrity and amazing health (my high standards for my team are legendary)
  • Growth mindset and humility (be willing to be challenged, learn, and seek answers everywhere, especially outside of your primary discipline; it’s what I do, and what I expect from my team)

Although I use bioenergetic testing regularly for my own health, I rely on others for help. Right now, my health team has a rock star chiropractor, a fascia release massage therapist, a push-me-to-my-limit weight trainer, and a fantastic biological dentist. I’ve got other people on my team, and when needed, I call on them.

Fun fact: I’m always learning. I study with a renegade naturopath so that I have more tools about how our beautiful bodies are designed to function and heal. In past years, I’ve gone deep into homeopathy, and that’s my primary modality for acute issues. Right now, I’m adding biofield tuning to bioenergetic testing, using my tuning forks to give voice to pains and emotional struggles that are trapped in your body.

Think about your health team, and whether they’re serving your big goals for a vibrant life expedition, or just ordering tests and issuing prescriptions.

Here’s something important to remember: if you want more from your health team, you need to step up and lead. Be ready to ask questions, consider your whole body, not just one part, and examine your lifestyle.

I’d be honored to be a part of your health team. You can count on me to bring every tool I have (bioenergetic testing and more) to accelerate your health goals into reality. Let’s chat, and we’ll explore if my approach works for you.

Ready to Get Started?

speak with the health detective

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