From grazer to hormone balancer - the big connection!

Confession time. At one point, I actually believed that eating six small meals each day was the way to go. If not that, then three solid meals and two snacks. Often, dessert too! I loved the label that I found, calling myself a ‘grazer,’ and eating all day long.
Before you scroll on to something else, thinking that I’m going to tell you how to eat (I’m not), I want you to know where I started – oblivious to how my body works, and with no knowledge of the impact of when and what I ate.
Here’s what I know now: when I eat, as well as what I eat, has implications far beyond body weight and optimal nutrition. More than a decade ago, I discovered how the timing of eating affected my sleep. Late night meals or snacks ruin sleep. Fixing that was easy, and changing dinner time improved my sleep.
But this one is even bigger. In the past several years, I’ve focused on the impact of eating on hormones. It goes beyond estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. It starts with the hormones oxytocin, cortisol, and insulin. When and what we eat affects the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands. Oh, and the liver too!
What you eat impacts insulin. If what you are eating requires lots of insulin, it disrupts the balance of the other hormones. If what you are eating taxes the gut or the liver, that impacts their roles in hormone metabolization.
When you eat impacts your hormone balance too. Incorporating intermittent fasting, one meal a day, or other types of fasting resets and heals the delicate hormone balance.
Is this something that you’d like to learn more about, in a way that is tailored specifically to you?
The 6 month program includes specialty bioenergetic tests for hormones and fasting. I provide strategies and recommendations for hormone balancing, which is more than just estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Hormone balancing that does not address insulin and cortisol is not hormone balancing. Within the program, your targeted insights from bioenergetic testing and calls with me will get you feeling like your best self again.
The deep dive on your hormone balancing, and so much more, happens here – check it out!