Ending the cover up. It's time to be true!

Ending the cover up. It's time to be true! Image

“What’s underneath? I need to know!” I’d been covering something up for years, not wanting to face reality. For nearly 25 years, I ignored an inherent part of who I am, and now today, it’s one of my more distinctive attributes.

Is there something in your health that you’re covering up, something that you don’t want to face? Maybe, like me, there’s societal pressure to cover up and not show reality.

Health issues that linger over time are, in a best-case scenario, annoying and draining, and in a worst-case scenario, painful, restrictive, and life-altering. Telling stories about them and accepting them can prevent you from seeking help that initiates healing, healing that your body desperately wants.

My cover up was not health-related, but hair related. After nearly 25 years of coloring my premature graying hair, I had no idea what color it was. But, there was a stubborn white streak in the front that resisted color. To reveal my hair truth, I chopped it short above my ears and stopped coloring it. As the variety of white and gray was revealed, I felt liberated. I now saw my true roots. I hadn’t realized how much energy the whole cover up process had taken over all those years.

Sometimes, persistent health issues can seem like this. You put on a smile, and you don’t complain in front of anyone. But it’s there, and it’s been a part of your life for so long that you think that it’s who you are.

It’s not. Your body wants to heal, and it’s communicating with you. Are you ready to listen?

It’s time to stop the cover up. If you haven’t taken my Get Healthier Quiz, do that now. Then, book a call so we can get to your root causes and uncover the best health of your life.

I’m rooting for you!

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