Accuracy when it's needed most
Saturday, January 25th, 2025
by Beth Mielbrecht

A big question that often comes up is this: Is bioenergetic testing accurate?
In my work as a bioenergetic testing practitioner, through the results of my clients, I can say absolutely, yes - bioenergetic testing is accurate.
Let’s go into this in more detail.
- Every cell in our body operates through electrical impulses and electromagnetic fields, and measuring these subtle electrical pulses provide insights into our body's state of health and areas of imbalance. This is very similar to Traditional Chinese Medicine and the map of meridians on the body, which acupuncture uses for treatment. Bioenergetic testing accesses the same electrical communication system in the body.
- Many practitioners report consistent correlations between bioenergetic results and their clients' health histories, even when the histories weren't shared beforehand, suggesting a reliable pattern of accuracy in identifying health patterns. This echoes my experience, with many clients asking me, “How did you know?” I didn’t know – it was picked up by the bioenergetic testing.
- The holistic nature of bioenergetic testing allows it to detect subtle imbalances before they manifest as physical symptoms, offering earlier intervention opportunities than conventional testing. By the time you feel symptoms, such as a headache, there have already been electrical and chemical signals warning of an imbalance. The physical symptoms are lagging indicators.
- The individualized nature of each bioenergetic scan aligns with our understanding that health solutions need to be personalized. No two people's healing journeys are exactly alike, even with similar symptoms. Bioenergetic testing assesses physical, mental, and emotional issues. Physical symptoms are usually exacerbated by emotional issues.
- The body's innate intelligence and self-healing mechanisms are well-documented, and bioenergetic testing taps into this natural healing system directly. Bioenergetic testing is precise and accurate in determining the balancing remedies needed to restore harmony in the whole body.
Tracy, one of my clients, describes it beautifully: "It's like my body was speaking a language I couldn't understand, and bioenergetic testing translated the messages. My bioenergetic test results are accurate, and the remedies really work!”
For more client statements about their results with bioenergetic testing, visit the Testimonials page.
If you've got questions, let's chat!